
Chapter 1: General Principles
Chapter 2: Objectives
Chapter 3: Functions
Chapter 4: Membership
Chapter 5: Organizational Structure
Chapter 6: Financial Arrangement
Chapter 7: Miscellaneous


The signatory institutions,

acknowledging that transnational cultural exchange and cooperation promote respect for cultural rights and cultural diversity, and foster the spirit of respect, friendship, trust and cooperation among art institutions in various countries;

stressing that transnational exchange and cooperation in performing arts are beneficial to the spread of culture and art, artistic creation and talent cultivation;
recognizing that art institutions in various countries face common challenges in the era of globalization and digitalization, and call for experience-sharing and capacity-building;
recalling the success of the first "Beijing Forum for Performing Arts" initiated by the National Centre for the Performing Arts of China in June 2019, during which the initiative of “working together to build a community with a shared future for theatres worldwide with a view of sustainable development” was unanimously endorsed by all participants;
having agreed on the principles and terms as set out in this Statute;

solemnly pronounce, for the purpose of furthering international exchange and cooperation in the field of performing arts and in accordance with the objective of "Exchange and Cooperation for Experience Sharing and Win-Win Outcomes", the establishment of the "Beijing Forum for Performing Arts".

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 The Beijing Forum for Performing Arts (hereinafter referred to as the "Beijing Forum" or "Forum") is hereby established.

Article 2 The Beijing Forum adheres to the principles of openness, inclusiveness, mutual respect, equal cooperation and mutual benefit. It shall build a pragmatic and efficient platform of cooperation, with the aim to build a community with a shared future for theatres worldwide. The members shall give full play to advantages, explore new fields of collaboration, integrate development strategies, share useful experiences, further exchange and cooperation among them, and jointly promote the spread and development of performing arts worldwide.

Chapter 2 Objectives

Article 3 The Beijing Forum aims to build an open and multilateral platform for exchange and to facilitate mutually beneficial cooperation among members, particularly, in the following areas:

a) Strengthening experience sharing, mutual support and mutual benefit among members;

b) Conducting institutional exchange at non-governmental and regional levels;

c) Respecting and encouraging the development of outstanding performing arts with national and regional characteristics, for the promotion of cultural diversity; and

d) Facilitating the integration of technology into performing arts.

Chapter 3 Functions

Article 4 The Beijing Forum shall exercise the following functions:
a) Organizing general meeting of members, seminars and conferences for discussing such key issues related to the development of performing arts as theatre management, talent cultivation, artistic outreach and artistic production;
b) Establishing a communication network among members, and building a multi-level platform for artistic exchange and cooperation;
c) Establishing the mechanism of information sharing, and building a platform for sharing resources of performing arts;
d) Promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in sharing operational experience, co-production, exchange of programs, talent training, mutual visits and academic research;
e) Strengthening international cooperation among members in the development and utilization of internet technologies and high-definition imaging technologies in performing arts; and
f) Conducting other cultural cooperations and exchanges in line with the objectives of the Beijing Forum.

Chapter 4 Membership

Article 5 The Beijing Forum is composed of institutional members and honorary (individual) members. Institutional members shall consist of world-renowned theatres, performance groups, cultural groups, art academies, cultural companies and other performing arts institutions. Renowned individual in cultural and related fields may be accepted to the Forum as honorary members.

Article 6 Membership of the Beijing Forum is open to all, those who:
a) accept the Statute;

b) have the willingness and ability of fulfilling the obligations of members; and

c) are well recognized in the region or in the professional filed.

Article 7 The institutional membership is subject to a voluntary application system. After receiving the application, the Secretariat shall conduct a preliminary review and then report to the Council of the Beijing Forum. Honorary members shall be recommended by members of the Beijing Forum to the Secretariat. The decision on institutional and honorary membership shall be decided by the General Meeting at the recommendation of the Council.

Article 8 The rights of members shall include, inter alia:
a) to receive the services provided by the Beijing Forum;

b) to participate in seminars, conferences and other activities organized by the Beijing Forum;

c) to receive Beijing Forum newsletters and other information materials;

d) to host and participate in activities of the Beijing Forum; and

e) other rights as provided in the Statute.

Article 9 Members undertake to fulfil the following duties:
a) to comply with the Statute, and decisions made by the Council;

b) to appoint a representative as the liaison person to the Beijing Forum;

c) to actively participate in the Beijing Forum;

d) to safeguard the rights and honor of the Beijing Forum; and

Article 10 A member may withdraw from the Beijing Forum by informing the Secretariat of its such intent in written form. The Secretariat shall report to the Council and its Chairperson in a timely manner. A member who seriously violated the Statute may be expelled from the Forum by the Council.

Article 11 The Secretariat shall maintain a register of members of the Beijing Forum and update it regularly.

Chapter 5 Organizational Structure

Article 12 General Meeting of Members
a) The General Meeting shall have the following powers: to review and amend the Statute; to approve members of the Council; and to discuss and decide general policy and activities of the Beijing Forum at recommendation of the Council.

b) The Beijing Forum shall hold regularly the General Meeting of Members and may also convene a special meeting if necessary. The preparatory work shall be undertaken by the Secretariat.

c) Each institutional member has a vote to be exercised by the representative of the institution. Honorary members may attend the General Meeting without having the right to vote. A member may cast a vote by entrusting a written proxy to a fellow member. A member may act as proxy on behalf of a maximum of three other members.

d) Unless otherwise provided by the Statute, a decision of the General Meeting is to be made by simple majority.

e) A summary record is to be produced for each session of the General Meeting, to summarize discussions and record decisions. The summary record shall be produced by the Secretariat and signed by the Chairperson of the General Meeting.

Article 13 The Council
a) The Council is the executive organ of the Beijing Forum. The Council has the following responsibilities: to decide on the admission of members at recommendation of the Secretariat; to decide the time and venue of each General Meeting; to decide on the operational activities of the Beijing Forum; to recommend new members to the General Meeting; to exercise other powers related to the operation of the Forum except as otherwise specifically provided in the Statute.

b) Each sitting member of the Council shall designate a person to act as a Director and participate in the Council’s work. The composition of the Council’s Directors shall give due consideration to the geographical representation.

c) Institutional members willing to serve as members of the Council shall inform the Secretariat of its such interest at least 30 days before the next session of the General Meeting. Members of the Council shall be approved by the General Meeting. The members of the inaugural session of the Council shall be elected by the General Meeting under the coordination of the Secretariat.

d) The term of the Council shall correspond to the time period elapsed between two consecutive General Meetings. Members of the Council may be re-elected.

e) The number of Council members may be adjusted as needed.

f) Unless otherwise provided in the Statute, the Council shall decide by simple majority. In case of need, the Council may vote by electronic means such as e-mail or fax.

g) A summary record is to be produced for each session of the Council, to summarize discussions and record decisions. The summary record shall be produced and circulated to the members by the Secretariat.

Article 14 Chairperson
The Council shall elect one Chairperson and a number of Vice Chairpersons. The inaugural session of the Council is to be chaired by the initiating institution of the Beijing Forum. The Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons of succeeding sessions of the Council shall be elected from the Council. The Chairperson shall be eligible for re-election. The Chairperson shall act on behalf of the Beijing Forum in external relations. The Chairperson is responsible for convening the Council’s meetings and shall endeavor to seek necessary support for the development of the Beijing Forum. The Vice Chairpersons shall assist the Vice Chairpersons.

Article 15 The Secretariat
a) The National Centre for the Performing Arts of China shall function as the Secretariat of the Forum. The National Centre for the Performing Arts shall provide appropriate personnel and financial support for the operation of the Secretariat.

b) The Secretariat is the standing office of the Beijing Forum. Its main duties include, but not limited to, communications with members; operation of daily business of the Beijing Forum; management of the logo and brand of the Beijing Forum; provision of secretarial services to the General Meeting and the Council; consultation about the time and venue of the General Meeting; and other secretarial activities.

Chapter 6 Financial Arrangement


Article 16 The Beijing Forum does not collect membership fees. Expense arising from hosting and participating in meetings and related activities of the Beijing Forum shall be borne and settled by members themselves in accordance with their respective budgets through negotiation.

Article 17 Activities organized under the auspice of the Beijing Forum may be sponsored externally, on the condition that such sponsorships are consistent with the nature and objectives of the Beijing Forum.

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous

Article 18 The Beijing Forum has no legal personality. It is a non-governmental, non-profit, voluntary alliance of cooperation.

Article 19 The headquarter of the Beijing Forum is located in Beijing.

Article 20 The Secretariat is authorized by the Chairperson to manage the logo and brand of the Forum.

Article 21 Matters not expressly dealt with by the Statute shall be resolved through friendly negotiation among the members.

Article 22 The Statute may be amended by a majority decision of the attending members of the General Meeting. Initiative of amendment to the Statute may only be proposed by the Council or by at least one third of the members.

Article 23 The Statute shall be adopted and come into effect at the online Inaugural Meeting of Beijing Forum for Performing Arts on September 9th, 2020. The Statute is made in duplicate in Chinese and English, both being equally authentic.