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Osesp is on the road to eight cities in Brazil

Source:Osesp 2023.11.17

  The Orchestra will perform in two groups simultaneously from 22-25 November. One group will be conducted by Wagner Polistchuk, and the other by Ricardo Bologna on the podium. The itinerary: Barueri, Caraguatatuba, Garça, Fernandópolis, Jacareí, Mogi das Cruzes, Presidente Prudente and São José do Rio Preto. The concerts, which are free to the public, include compositions by Camargo Guarnieri, Mozart, Claudio Santoro and Alberto Nepomuceno.


  Organized by Osesp Foundation, São Paulo State Government through the Secretariat of Culture, Economy and Creative Industry and Ministry of Culture, the performances are part of the Osesp Itinerante series, a project that has been running since 2008. Tickets can be taken 1 hour before each performance, in person at the box office of the theaters. Check out the program at: http://www.osesp.art.br/concertoseingressos 
