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British voters call on next government to invest more in the arts

Source:Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 2024.07.19

   With the nation going to the polls this week, 76% of adults would like to see the next Government do more to support arts and culture in Britain – with a specific focus on young people, a democratisation of access and more music lessons in primary schools seen to be key priorities, according to new research from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO).


  The new nationally representative poll asked 2,090 adults what they would like to see the next Government doing to back the arts in Britain after July 4th. The top 10 initiatives people would like the new Government to support are:


  To make the Arts more accessible to young people from all backgrounds (24%).

  More grants and scholarships for talented young artists (23%).

  Increased Arts funding for state schools (22%).

  More funding for music and singing lessons in primary schools across the UK (21%).

  To further reduce the rate of VAT on tickets for concerts (21%).

  More support for Arts organisations that work with schools and have active community programmes (20%).

  More levelling-up funds to support regional venues, arts centres and arts projects across the UK (18%).

  Greater support for grassroots and mid-size music venues (17%).

  An increase in Government funding for the Arts Council (15%).

  Prioritising music and creative subjects as being important in schools and colleges, versus the current focus on sciences (15%).