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New Adelaide Festival Centre upgrades announced and timing confirmed

Source:Adelaide Festival Centre 2024.08.09

   In December last year, the government announced a $35 million upgrade to the Western Plaza (between Festival Theatre and Dunstan Playhouse) to improve pedestrian access to Adelaide Festival Centre with a new lift, as well as fire and safety systems upgrades.


  These extensive future proofing works require Adelaide Festival Centre’s three theatres to temporarily close from July 2025 (Dunstan Playhouse and Space Theatre) and August 2025 (Festival Theatre) with reopening scheduled for early 2026.


  The temporary closure presents an opportunity for the Adelaide Festival Centre Trust to undertake further investment in the theatres, including the installation of brand new seating in all theatres, lighting upgrades to foyers and auditoriums as well as the refurbishment of stage flooring at Dunstan Playhouse and Space Theatre. These additional upgrades will ensure Adelaide Festival Centre remains the most comfortable and welcoming audience experience for all South Australians to enjoy for many years to come.

