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Discover the photographic side of Puccini at the Teatro Real

Source:Teatro Real 2024.07.26

  For the first time, the Teatro Real joins as the venue for the Official Section of PHotoESPAÑA, which this year celebrates its twenty-seventh edition, with the exhibition Puccini the Photographer, in which one of the great passions – hitherto unpublished – of the great Italian composer is discovered: photography.

  Curated by Gabriella Biagi Ravenni, Paolo Bolpagni and Patrizia Mavilla, the exhibition reveals the result of this activity that the composer began around 1894, through some twenty photographs taken in his native Tuscany and in the countries he visited on his many trips.


  The exhibition is also special, Bolpagni points out, because it had never been held outside Italy and the choice of Madrid and this place "is no coincidence, since in this Theatre, Puccini himself premiered, in 1892, under the baton of Luigi Mancinelli, his opera Edgar. It was the first time that one of his operas was performed outside Italian borders, and it was here, at the Teatro Real."


  Puccini's photographs have nature as the main protagonist, in frames that at the same time reduce the human figure to a small silhouette in the immensity of the landscape, dominated by a deep poetic feeling.


  Along with these snapshots, you can discover images of New York, in which the imposing urbanism and the great bridges of the city dominate, or Egypt, with a more focused look on its inhabitants and the landscape.

